Other Offers
There are frequently numerous retailers besides Amazon selling merchandise on Amazon's website. Amazon puts what it thinks is the best offer for the customer in the Buy Box. Sometimes this is an Amazon offer (meaning it ships from and is sold by Amazon itself) and sometimes it's a 3rd party offer (merchandise that is owned by another retailer but is still sold on Amazon's website). You can now see all offers available for purchase on Amazon by clicking on the See all offers link below the Buy button as shown in the red circle in the image below.
When you click the See all offers link you'll end up on an Amazon page like the one below containing all the new and used offers available for purchase. You'll notice on the left side of that page you can filter for condition (e.g. New or Used) to drill down to the offer type you want. And you can see here that if we filter for New items only we find that the lowest 3rd party offer of $59.83 matches what camelcamelcamel reports as the lowest 3rd party offer in the image above. So if you can't find the price camelcamelcamel is showing in the Buy Box on Amazon, make sure you click through to the offers page and see if that price is available there.