It's been a minute since our last update.  Here's what we've been working on lately (and just launched.)

Updating Stale Products

We receive a fair amount of support emails regarding stale product data, and more than a few feature requests asking us to implement an "update this product" button.  To reduce the strain on our tiny support team -- coincidentally, also the developers and everything-else-ers -- we have indeed added such a button, which you can read about here.

How does this reduce the volume of support emails?  Our goal is to make this a self-serve situation, where users just click that button and the system updates the product.  We will therefore no longer be responding to these emails.  Sorry if that causes any inconvenience, but we believe this will make things easier for users and Camels alike.

Camel T-Shirts

In our ongoing effort to pay our bills, we have launched a Camel merch store.  This is to provide a donation path for those who would like a physical something in return, thus the higher-than-normal prices.  Each purchase is the equivalent of an $8 donation.

We would also like to thank everyone on Paypal and Patreon who has chosen to support us.  We know that donating to a site that is designed to help you save money can be a bit of a logical issue, and we appreciate you going the extra mile for us Camels.

Bug Fixes

We've also pushed some small bug fixes to the site.  Most notably, the menu looks a bit better on mobile and in MS Edge.